Friday 13 May 2011

Soon to come... Term 4 Feedback

The second pathology midterm was bad. real bad. I am pretty positive I heard two people vomiting in the bathroom during the exam from anxiety, and there were some that left right in the middle. For those with enough balls to finish the exam, although it was certainly a time crunch, there there.... there, there. I just hope we pass.
Now I have to study for micro... and cpd, and then watch everyone leave the island as we slave away for another month learning about skin diseases, genitalia, and renal systems, etc. help us.

Lets just hope Angel doesn't go down. I didn't make this, but being at this school can be quite frustrating. If it weren't for the freedom, the giant sea turtles that come once a year to lay their eggs, the carnival celebrations in August... the beach, the pina coladas, okay its really not bad. Back to work! (sorry if this video is too explicit, but sometimes you just feel like life is crushing you and SGU is to blame. I guess that's why we learn to be resourceful and indifferent to change). I guess when you don't get the things you want, experience is what you get instead. And now... Hitler's response to Angel Being Down.

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