Wednesday 1 June 2011

I'll never be the smartest

I'll never be the smartest kid. Not all of us can be. It's too bad. Competitive as all of us are here. Everyone always compares each other, but at the end of the day, no one affects your performance except you. You aren't in competition, there are no curves, no shortcuts. But like they always say, "What do you call the person with the lowest GPA after medical school?"

A doctor.

It's true. And they've hit us so hard this quarter, its hard to strive the same way we used to. Early in the game, there was so much opportunity to excel. Now, a perfect GPA is absolutely impossible, even a respectable GPA gets farther and farther out of reach each class they serve us. They make it quite hard to earn the A here.

Bottom line now, we don't want to fail, and we just want to make it out of here. We just want to be doctors.
It's comforting that most medical schools hold a Pass/Fail grading scale. By those standards, if we make it through here, we are just as qualified as any US medical student. Now, back to the books.

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