Wednesday 6 October 2010


So, just wanted to give a quick shout-out to God, or Evolution, or a combination of the two forces that have created what is known as the current version of the human body. 

1) Thank you for not creating More neural pathways and Cranial Nerves.
2) Thank you for not creating more Autonomic Receptors.
3) Especially thank you for not creating more DNA replication/transcription/translational machinery. You have done quite enough there sir. 
4) Thank you for keeping the number of muscles to a number I can count to. (less than 500)
5) Thank you for keeping the bones to a relative Minimum. 
6) Thank you for not creating more Ion's. Holy hell. Enough with the ions. 
7) For the most part, thank you for developmental anomalies. No serious. Thanks dude. (not)
8) Nice try with the kidneys, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes. We figured that one out. 
9) Oh, and twisting the gut? Yea, we figured that out too smart guy.
10) Seriously, THANK YOU for not making the body any more hopelessly and unfathomably complex. If you had, I would have failed out of Medical School months ago. 

Oh yea, also a Huge Shoutout to CITIBANK, my own personal financer/God.

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